Takahiro Suzuki Press Clipping

English translation

Title frontpage: Jan Hoet opens ‘Après-charbon’
Jan Hoet opens last Saturday, on the coal mine of Winteslag, the exposition: ‘Après-charbon’ (After the coal). Six conceptual artists from four different countries work out the concept that go back to the essential of the mines and from lives itself.

Title p 48 ’Art after the coal’
Last Saturday Jan Hoet opened the exposition ‘Après-charbon’ in the coal mine of Winterslag. The exposition fits into a series of events of celebrating one hundred years since the first successful coal digging in Limburg. Important artists from all over the world will show until 15th of October their own interpretations the coal history of Limburg ….
… In the performance of Takahiro Suzuki, the other Japanese artist, incorporation stands central. Suzuki: “I worked in the heavy industry. I can more or less imagine how it must have been in the coal mine of Limburg. I work consciously with stone and charcoal to feel what the coal diggers must have felt.”